Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Striving for Personal Success

Striving for Personal Success University of Phoenix Gen 200 Eleanor Roosevelt once said, â€Å"In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility† (Goodreads Inc. , 2013). Although life can be a major deterrent on success, it also can be one factor in obtaining college success. The personal responsibility a student holds is based on their motivation and self- sacrifices.Success in life and in college can only be measures by the hard work, drive, and dedication. Personal responsibility is defined as relating or pertaining to oneself and the state of responsibility as moral, legal, or mental accountability (Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2013). One way of applying personal responsibility in a student's life is to continue to push the limits that other people have placed on them and pushing those boundaries to the max. With huge success can come countless opportunities, th rough these opportunities comes dedication and challenges.It is in how each person deals with those dedication and challenges that makes the sacrifices worth everything. When the idea of quitting occurs is when an individual must lean on his or her support systems to pull them through that state of mind. It is family, friends, and amazing instructors who can be the factors between persevering through the hard times and giving up. The question a student will then have to face is, what is most important to that person? By fguring out that question and realize the time and dedication that has already been applied would be a waste.At this final point the individual has to find the motivation and drive to re light that fire under them and ontinue to strive on. It is that personal responsibility of holding oneself accountable for the hard work that will lead that person to college success. Personal responsibility is a factor in achieving success in life and in college, but personal respon sibility also can be a hinder. By being a college student people not only have dedication to their schoolwork, but also their outside school, such as family, friends, and a Job.The struggle is trying to find that balance needed to succeed in all fields. Alexandra Escobar said, â€Å"Professional women often struggle as they try to alance their work and personal roles, while still trying to grow in both,† she currently holds a master's degree in education and holds a chair for the College of Education at University of Phoenix South Florida Campus (â€Å"How women in business can â€Å"lean in†,† personal roles, but as shown through her degree and position held in her college now the success for a degree is possible.The major factor is time management. Every person must learn to create time for what matters, whether that is to wake up an hour earlier or turn the television off to complete that one assignment. 0. 1. Simpson once said, â€Å"The day you take comple te responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses that is the day you start to the top† ([email  protected], 2001). If this degree and college success is what matters, that person will find a way to make it work, or that person will find a way to make excuses.The main question every person must ask themselves is success at this very moment more important than success for growth that can better one's future or not? Personal responsibility and college success are proving to be one and the same. Success in college and in life can only be achieved by one's own self-sacrifice and elf-dedication. Winston Churchill once said, â€Å"The price of greatness is responsibility' ([email  protected], 2001). Winston Churchill is right.It is the self-sacrifice of choosing to miss out on social events, school events, or pull extra work hours so that person can finish his or her assignments needed to succeed in their classes. The self-dedication will need to be applied to obtain such greatness. By applying self- dedication and personal sacrifices one is allowing themself to grow in personal success. Each hurdle completed in their college Journey is another step closer to obtain ollege success as well as being able to apply the knowledge obtained into their lifestyle and in return gain success in the workforce.It is each individual's personal responsibility to apply what is being learned in and out of the classroom through their college Journey that will truly allow them to have the greatest form of college success. An educational success will be obtained by a college degree, but also a workforce knowledge and personal growth that can be achieved only by experiencing that balancing act between personal responsibility and college success. In conclusion, personal responsibility is the key to success. Success is also determined by self-sacrifice and self-dedication.

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