Sunday, November 17, 2019

Vocational Education and Training Needs Analysis Essay Example for Free

Vocational Education and Training Needs Analysis Essay Training methods used to stimulate learning can be classified in three ways, one of which is †¢ CONFERENCES †¢ LECTURES †¢ ON-THE-JOB TRAINING †¢ INTELLIGENT TUTORING 2. In evaluating training programs, it is important to distinguish _____ from data-collection methods. †¢ ORGANIZATIONAL PAYOFFS †¢ COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS †¢ INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION †¢ TARGETS OF EVALUATION 3. The evaluation phase is one phase of the process for effective training to occur. Which of the following IS NOT A PART OF THE EVALUATION PHASE? †¢ SELECT TRAINING MEDIA †¢ DEVELOP CRITERIA †¢ PRETEST TRAINEES †¢ MONITOR TRAINING 4. _____ analysis is helpful in determining the special needs of a particular group, such as older workers, WOMEN, OR MANAGERS AT DIFFERENT LEVELS. †¢ INDIVIDUAL †¢ ORGANIZATION †¢ DEMOGRAPHIC †¢ OPERATIONS 5. Which of the following is an example of an on-the-job training method? †¢ UNDERSTUDY ASSIGNMENTS †¢ ROLE PLAYING †¢ INTELLIGENT TUTORING †¢ CASE METHOD 6. Which of the following is an example of the simulation method of training? †¢ JOB ROTATION †¢ ORIENTATION †¢ CORRESPONDENCE COURSES †¢ IN-BASKET 7. The level of training needs analysis that attempts to identify the content of the training is _____ ANALYSIS. †¢ ENVIRONMENTAL †¢ OPERATIONS †¢ ORGANIZATIONAL †¢ INDIVIDUAL 8. _____ refers to the material that is rich in association for the trainees and is therefore easily UNDERSTOOD BY THEM. †¢ PYGMALION EFFECT †¢ TRAINING PARADOX †¢ ORIENTATION †¢ MEANINGFULNESS 9. Which theory is founded on the premise that an individual’s intentions regulate his or her behavior? †¢ CORRESPONDENT INFERENCE THEORY †¢ GOAL THEORY †¢ GROUNDED THEORY †¢ ATTRIBUTION THEORY 10. The impact of training on _____ is the most significant, but it is the most difficult effect to DEMONSTRATE. †¢ ORGANIZATIONAL RESULTS †¢ DEMOGRAPHICS †¢ ACTION LEARNING †¢ TRAINEE SELF-ESTEEM 11. When trainees are given the opportunity to practice far beyond the point where they have performed a TASK CORRECTLY SEVERAL TIMES, THE TASK BECOMES SECOND NATURE AND IS †¢ OVERLEARNED †¢ IRRELEVANT †¢ REPETITIVE †¢ BORING 12. The level of training needs analysis that focuses on identifying whether training supports the COMPANY’S STRATEGIC DIRECTION IS CALLED _____ ANALYSIS. †¢ OPERATIONS †¢ INDIVIDUAL †¢ ENVIRONMENTAL †¢ ORGANIZATION View as multi-pages TOPICS IN THIS DOCUMENT Vocational education, Training, Practice, Skill RELATED DOCUMENTS Vocational Education and Training THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN VOCATIONAL ASPECTS TO SCHOOLING IN AUSTRALIA. HOWEVER, IN RECENT TIMES THERE HAS BEEN AN INCREASED EMPHASIS ON THIS ASPECT OF SCHOOLING WITHIN BOTH THE GENERAL CURRICULUM AND THOSE AREAS THAT HAVE A PARTICULAR VOCATIONAL FLAVOUR. IN WHAT WAYS DOES THIS EMPHASIS PROVIDE A BROADER OR NARROWER CONCEPTION OF EDUCTION FOR SCHOOL STUDENTS? YOUR RESPONSE NEEDS TO REFER TO: (I) THE AIMS OF THE ? NEW VOCATIONALISM AND HOW IT IS 297   Words | 7   Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT TRAINING NEED ANALYSIS ? Training Needs Analysis and Skills Audit Easy seven step plan – covers: Who received training in your organisation last year? Does anyoneneed a refresher course? What about your staff’s career aspirations – do you know their capabilities? Step 1 How should I consult? It is recommended that employers consult with all staff on an annual basis to assess organisational training and development 297   Words | 6   Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Training Needs Analysis Library Get Custom Help eBook Library About BrainMass Expert Profiles Blog Free Quizzes Videos Business  » Management  » Problem #416292 sample solutions faq Case Study: Training Needs Analysis Case ALL IT TAKES IS FOR GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING In 1987, Ms. Dillman was hired by IMP to work in Hangar 3 at North American International Airport as a seamstress in their fabric shop. 297   Words | 4   Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Training Development Need Analysis

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