Monday, December 9, 2019

Globe and Mail Canadian Newspaper Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Globe and Mail Canadian Newspaper. Answer: Introduction In the article by the Globe and Mail Canadian newspaper, it is explained on how serious Canada considers the human rights of its citizens (Hazel., 2016). However, the older citizens are sometimes ignored by the young people such that they are not at liberty to make personal decisions. In most instances, many people give help to the aged population even when its not needed. The paper notes that such practices may make the ageing population feel less important in the society. Moreover, the more this population becomes reliant for any assistance, the more they become reliant and hence a burden to their families. They should therefore be left to manage their property and make personal decisions until they ask for assistance. In the second article published in the Vancouver Sun, a Canadian newspaper, the need to be selective on the words and language used on the old people during their care matters a lot. There are however many organizations in Canada such as B.C the Care providers have been on an endless mission to ensure that the seniors receive the best care (Rebecca, 2017). As such the language to ageing people should be used selectively by the care givers to ensure that it does not demean them. Since ageism is commonly termed as a form of discrimination, then social care workers are urged to ensure that they make professional language and words to be used while providing care to the aged people. I concur with the fact that aged people are not given a priority to make their decisions in the society. This is because it is assumed that as people age, so does their reasoning ability diminish, which is not always true (Han, 2015). Its true that the outcomes of care in ageism is affected by the language which is used by caregivers. The use of poor and hurting language when addressing ageism may send a feeling to this population that they are a burden to the society (Holroyd-Leduc et al., 2016) It is however important to note that while the aged people seek continuous care and help, majority of them are only physically incapacitated but mentally sober. From these articles, I have gained a lot of information which will be applicable in my professional life. It is not kind enough to assume that the old people are a burden to the society but rather their rights must be granted. For instance, in the article written by Jeff, (2014) in the Globe and Mail newspaper, the employers would force into retirements aged employees whose productivity was slowing down. However, the Canadian courts have warned against this action because the old people need to request for a retire by themselves and not be forced to do that. Additionally, I have learned the need to be selective of the standard language to be used, and use words which do not hurt the aged clients. For instance, instead of using the usual term diaper I can refer to them as incontinence pads. According to Wanda (2017) in the National Post newspaper, the words used against the old Canadians especially in residential places matters a lot since they are indicative of our views and thus the actions taken during care. References Han, S. (2015). A Study of Social Workers' Understanding of Elderly Patients' and Family Caregivers' Rights to End-of-Life Care Decisions and of Their Own Roles in the Process. Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, 18(1), 42-50. Hazel., M., (2016). Ageism is getting old, lets end it. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from Holroyd-Leduc, J., Resin, J., Ashley, L., Barwich, D., Elliott, J., Huras, P., ... Pullman, D. (2016). Giving voice to older adults living with frailty and their family caregivers: engagement of older adults living with frailty in research, health care decision making, and in health policy. Research involvement and engagement, 2(1), 23. Jeff., G. (2014). The rise of the older worker-and age-discrimination lawsuits. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from Rebecca., M, (2017). Opinion: When it comes to seniors care, words matter. Vancouver Sun. Retrieved from Wanda., M, (2017). Grey matters: For older Canadians, words matter. National Past. Retrieved from

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