Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Children s Testimonial Accuracy Has A Impact On A Child...

Within the last several years, the topic of children’s testimonial accuracy has become a largely studied area. It has been suggested that an interviewers bias and suggestibility has a powerful impact on a child’s performance during an interview (Cleveland, Quas Lyon, 2016). Suggestibility affects the extent to which a child is able to retrieve and report on events due to psychological or social influences (Milne Bull, 2003). Suggestibility is brought forth through psychological or social influences, such as suggestive questioning, repeating already answered questions or using praise or negative feedback when children give answers to questions (Cleveland et al., 2016). Researchers have found that age plays a critical role in the child’s ability to refrain from interviewer suggestibility, with results suggesting that the younger the child, the more susceptible they are (Cleveland et al., 2016). With relation to age, cognitive factors have also been found to play a role in children’s susceptibility. Findings from previous studies propose that lower cognitive functioning is associated with higher memory errors, suggesting that fewer memory errors would occur in children with higher cognitive functioning (Hritz et al., 2015). Similarly individual differences such as a child’s temperament or attachment style can also affect their susceptibility to suggestion (Hritz et al., 2015). As research has shown, children can be susceptible to interviewer suggestibility for a variety ofShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Progress Monitoring and Assessment on Pupil Performance16691 Words   |  67 Pagesbenefits of progress monitoring and assessment on pupil performance Abstract This paper is about the programs and systems that are designed to track the progress of pupils of different age groups. The major emphasis is laid on how it affects the kids and their academic performance. 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