Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Jane Eyre s Life Was Full Of Oppression, Neglect And Sorrow

Jane Eyre’s life was full of oppression, neglect and sorrow. The novel was formed around a few main ideas. One of those would be the search of love and acceptance. Jane wanted to find a family so desperately and she wanted to belong to people. More than this though, Jane wanted to be treated equally. She was denied equality because of her social status, her income,her lack of â€Å"beauty† and most of all because of her gender. The book Jane Eyre shows the struggle that women face while attempting to overcome oppression and inequality in the Victorian era. Ever since she was a child, Jane had always been outspoken and opinionated. Even though these two characteristics were not seen to be fit for a girl or women, Jane always had the confidence to do the opposite of what was expected of her. An example of this is in the beginning of the novel, when Jane fights back to her brutal cousin John Reed. John was a bully to Jane and in one specific scene, he calls her a rat and m ocks her for being an orphan. He throws a book at her and her head starts to bleed. Jane says, â€Å"Wicked and cruel boy! You are like a murderer- you are like a slave driver- you are like the Roman emperors!† This was surprising because Jane was only a small child and small girls did not normally show anger or say harsh things like she had. After this scene, my opinion of Jane’s character had already began to form: she was one tough girl. It was obvious that Jane had always questioned society s view of

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